The link above is a spreadsheet to every single private medical (H & SC) provider & premises in England. Primarily, it shows the 2,304 private medical hospitals and clinics that operate in England but it includes charities, hospices and the entire range of acute services. From this spreadsheet it is possible to do many things. One can if they wish measure the number of private providers that are profit making. One could map the footprint of private provision to see if it is more pre-dominant in a particular region of England. It is also possible to review how many of these providers a) fund the Tory Party, or b) have been involved in a failure to deliver services in other parts of the country. When they come to decide the carve up of the NHS, one of the main criteria for handing over services to private companies is a measurement of their ability to mobilise services. And so, if one wished, they could map all of these private centres by location and build up a good picture of likely competition when a bidding process begins for a service in their area. Throughout the day I intend to explore the contents of the spreadsheet and will return from time to time with my findings. In the meantime, please feel free to download and reroduce your own copy of the spreadsheet I have put more